Trail Info

Trail Reports

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General Trail Updates and Information

2022-23 Trail Work Parties

Mother Nature has fueled a summer of heavy foliage growth alongside many of our favorite trails.  This fall we are looking for NSAA members to join in a series of volunteer trail work parties to help us clear back all that brush! The next trail work party will be this...

Another Season Has Melted Away.

As of Thursday, April 28, Craig at Kincaid Park took the last spin of the season in the Pisten Bully on the Snow Making Loop. Many skiers took advantage of the spring skiing up until the very last groom.  On the Hillside Jack worked the trails until April 24. While...

First Real Snow!

The snow is coming down and we can officially say that Winter Is Here!  Please swap your running shoes and hiking boots for those ski boots and skis, save the biking for the Multi-Use and Single Track trails and please refrain from bringing your best four legged furry...