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No experience required!

Hosting national events and providing world-class trails is hard work! NSAA relies on the generous time, energy and expertise of our dedicated volunteers. We need YOU! Join our Ski Jumping/Nordic Combined Junior National Championship volunteer team today!

Help is needed Tuesday, February 20 through Sunday, February 25, 2018

Click here to sign up to volunteer!


Organizing & Competition Committee

Organizing Committee Chair Vivienne Murray
Chief of Competition Mike Jokela
Competition Secretary Vivienne Murray
Chief of the Hill Trevor Taylor
Chief Starter Ken Hatch
Chief of Distance Measurer Nicole Leshaw
Chief of Calculations Tami Jastrow
Chief of First Aid Steve Compton
Assistant Jeanne Monitor
Chief of Security Tom Smith
Chief of Technical Facilities and Equipment Mike Jokela
Chief of Course Michael Brubaker
Chief of Time Keeping Tim Brabets
Chief of Announcing Jim Renkert & Lex Treinen
Chief of Equipment Carl Oswald
Chief of Grooming Trevor Taylor
Course Maps Michael Brubaker
Inter Mountain Div Judge Jarrett Moe
Rocky Mountain Div Judge Allen Belshaw
Inter Mountain Div Judge Keith Hanson
East Div Judge Dan Mattoon
Central Div Judge Matt Keuler
Volunteer Coordinator Karen Compton
Chief of Ceremonies Bethany Folds
Chief of Media Karen Compton
Event Photographer Toshio Matsuoka
Event Website Amber Adams
President of NSAA Joey Catenichio
Competition Technical Delegate Kenneth Barker
Assistant TD Paul Jastrow


General: Vivienne Murray, jjmurray@gci.net 907-227-9776 (call or text)

Volunteer: Karen Compton, kcompton@gci.net

Hospitality: Bethany Folds bethanycnm@gmail.com 

Competition: Mike Jokela mjokela@crweng.com

Facility: JR Patee jrjeanne@mac.com

Stay connected to 2018 Ski Jumping/Nordic Combined Junior National Championships!

For texting updates: text @2018JN to 81010       

Questions: Vivienne Murray, call/text 907-227-9776 or email jjmurray@gci.net