AMH Anchorage Cup
How it All Works
- Register online or in person the day of the race. Save money by registering online!
- Choose your distance for each event. Distance options can range from 3k to 30k, depending on the history of the race and snow conditions. Some races are relay races – grab a friend and sign up together, or show up at the race and ask at the bib handouts, sometimes there are skiers looking for partners.
- Please note: If you decide to change your race distance after you register online, you may change it when you pick up your bib (not after you start your race!).
- Grab your bib before the start (10a-11:30am), check your start time, then check the map to see the course and test it out on your warm-up. Fancy waxing isn’t necessary, but you can always check in with the staff at AMH if you want to learn more about kick wax and glide wax.
- Kids: warm up with Junior Nordic Ready 2 Race, look for a R2R coach inside near bib pick-up. Get help waxing and get excited to ski!
- Make your way to the stadium a bit before your start time, stay warm, and listen for when your wave starts.
- Line up and wait for the flag to drop, then go!
- After you finish, head inside for food, cheer, awards and door prizes.