Volunteer & Stay Connected!

We are always looking for volunteers for trails, events, and programs. No experience necessary, there’s a role for everyone! This organization is volunteer driven and a little help goes a long way. Please sign up on the forms below or contact the event coordinators whose emails are listed below:

Sign-up or Email:

NSAA Ski Swap
NSAA Season Kickoff Party
Solstice Tree Tour
Besh Cup Races in Anchorage
AMH Anchorage Cup Races
ASD High School Races – Email: nsaaracing@gmail.com
ASD Middle School Races – Email: middleschoolxcski@gmail.com
Alaska Ski for Women
Biathlon Race Series
Ski 4 Kids
Tour of Anchorage

Publicity – How you can help spread the word about NSAA Events? program@anchoragenordicski.com
Volunteer for Anything! events@anchoragenordicski.com

Looking for other ways to support NSAA?


AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.

You are now able to link your Rewards Card to your favorite nonprofit by following the link below. Whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Freddy’s, you will be helping that organization earn a donation from Fred Meyer. If you do not have a Rewards Card, you can sign up for one at the Customer Service Desk of any Fred Meyer store.

While applying for their PFD online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed.