Join us for the Anchorage Nordic Ski Club’s annual meeting on Saturday, November 5th at Kincaid Chalet. 


Come between 3:00 and 5:00 to explore informational booths about programs and events that our club has to offer.

Our meeting will be held from 5:00 – 7:00 with a potluck, pictures from the past few years, and a riveting game of Heads and Tails. Brats will be provided by the club! Please bring a favorite dish to share. Below are suggested dishes by the first letter of your last name!

A – G: Bread, Side Dish, Chips

H – M: Salads

N – S: Drinks (non-alcoholic)

T – Z: Dessert


Event Contact

NSAA Office: 907-992-0110 or events@anchoragenordicski.com.